My $64 Black Friday Haul

Well my lovelies, I hope you had a fantastic winter holiday, whatever you celebrate. We went home for a visit and overscheduled ourselves like usual. I'm exhausted and feeling a little bit like I'm dying, but it was great being able to see people and engage in some merriment. So, Black Friday. I used to... Continue Reading →

Where the hell have I been?

That's an excellent question. Clearly I’m still alive, and I wanted to catch up. How’s it going? Are you making it through the hurricane/wildfire/locust plague/global pandemic? I hope so. I find myself getting extremely overwhelmed when I think about everything that’s going on, and I know I’m not alone there. Anyone else on a news... Continue Reading →

Another New Year, still same Teresa

Oh, hi. It's been awhile since we chatted, so let's catch up on some stuff. I started school, joined a coworking/networking space to maybe make some friends (virtual for now, but someday in real life), bought a new car, I'm job hunting, making more of an effort to plan things (like projects and study time),... Continue Reading →

Origins haul: was it worth it?

I'm not going to lie to y'all - I've spent a lot of money during lockdown. I really didn't mean to, but I'm lucky enough to still be gainfully employed, and sometimes I can't resist a little retail therapy. Or a lot of retail therapy. One of my many hauls was from Origins, for reasons... Continue Reading →

MOTD: Omg I left the house! Edition

Hello friends. Do I have any internet friends left? Do you guys remember me? So I left the house today. Remember in the Before Times when that wasn't that big a deal? It seems like a lifetime ago. Anyway, we didn't really do anything special, just got coffee and went for a drive, but it... Continue Reading →

It’s been a sad week

Hello again internet friends. I'm coming to you today with lots of complicated feelings. Sadness, rage, disgust, hopelessness, to name just a few. But I don't want to talk about that because it's not actually about me. It's about people who can't walk down the street or go to the store without being seen as... Continue Reading →

So about this pandemic

Hi! I hope you're all safe and healthy. I'm not handling things all that well, to be honest. Remember when this whole thing started and I was totally cavalier about it? I was all like, "It's fine, use the time to learn a language, make coffee, remember to take showers"? Well, I was wrong. So.... Continue Reading →

How are you doing?

We're on what feels like day 3,421 of self-quarantine. I haven't left the house in 18 days, which is a new personal record. Before this I was making an effort to leave the house a couple times a week, and now I really miss those trips. I wasn't doing anything exciting, just sitting in coffee... Continue Reading →

2020 travel goals

Damn y'all, I've got a lot of goals for 2020. And it's already almost a quarter over with. I like to travel. I don't love flying, and there comes a point where I'm done being out in the world and just want to be home in my sweats, but my wanderlust is a pretty well-established... Continue Reading →

The Beauty Consumer tag

Occasionally I see a tag somewhere that catches my eye and makes me think, “Hey, that’s a bandwagon I should jump on.” This tag was created by Nineties LoveChild, one of my favorite small creators on YouTube. This is not her actual name, but I won’t insult her by attempting to spell her name. She... Continue Reading →

2020 Beauty Goals

In looking back at my goals post I realized that I didn't touch on any of my beauty goals for this year. I actually made some this year. I think that alone is worth mentioning. I'm not generally a goal-setter of any kind and just roll with the punches, but here we are in a... Continue Reading →

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